Yuragi (2000)

2000. Yuragi

“Swinging between the style in collaboration with three musicians”

I explored various ways of expression through movement and voice. The music I composed, in my special way of improvisation, integrated bodily motion and acrobatic voice, in which one piece followed the other without creating a narrative.

Takeya has conceived the last performance in the framework of her series YURAGI as a concert in the form of a jam session, in which one piece follows the other without creating a story. The music she composed for her special way of improvisation which integrates movement/Graphic Body and voice/Acrobatic Voice through the method of embryonic breathing technique. Only the performer and the musicians (Achim Tang, Arnold Haberl, Helmut Neugebauer) are on an otherwise empty stage. Space and structures are created by lighting.

The pieces shown are selected works created between May and December 1999 during her performance series YURAGI / vol. I-IV. Akemi Takeya on her extraordinary project: ‘It began with Anna Thier’s suggestion to organise several evenings in the framework of the eprouvette series in dietheater Konzerthaus. As one can imagine, the term eprouvette is a good starting point for a performer’s experiments, in which she want to see with her own eyes a process of development and an unexpected outcome through the combination of motifs. Also this word especially incited me to dig out a lot of ideas from the last years which I hadn’t dared to realise until now.’

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Artistic Director, Choreography, Performance, Text, Music: Akemi Takeya
Music: Achim Tang (Bass), Arnold Haberl (Cello), Helmut Neugebauer (Saxoph., Flute, Electr.)
Costumes: Eberhard von Knobloch
Visual Design: Krisha Piplits
Sound: Alexander Rathner
Photography: ERA, Lukas Hernfeld
Artistic Consultation: Gerwich Rozmyslowski
Graphic: Martin Tiefenthaler
Production: IMEKA
Supported by: The City of Vienna, Cultural Bureau, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts & Culture
Duration: 60 min
Premiere: 2000, dietheater Künstlerhaus, Vienna (Austria)


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